
  • BMD Video Assist 4K

    $50 DAY
    $75 WEEKEND
    $150 WEEK

    1080p panel. BMD Video Assist 4K monitor and recorder. Includes two batteries and charger. SDI + HDMI. Power via Canon batteries or D-Tap

  • ATOMOS Samurai 4K Monitor Recorder

    $70 DAY
    $110 WEEKEND
    $250 WEEK

    1080p panel. 4K recording with included 512Gb SSD. Sony batteries and charger included, with D-Tap available. SDI + HDMI.

  • ATOMOS Ninja 4K

    $60 DAY
    $100 WEEKEND
    $200 WEEK

    1080p panel. 4K recording with included 512Gb SSD. Sony Batteries and Charger included, with D-Tap available. HDMI only.

  • TV Logic 17" SDI Monitors

    DAY: $25
    WEEKEND: $50
    WEEK: $100

    720p panel with 1.5G SDI in and out. Good for non-critical on-set monitoring, or as multi view or PGM monitor for a vision mixer.

  • BMD 2up Rack SDI Monitors

    $25 DAY
    $40 WEEKEND
    $80 WEEK

    Dual 1.5G SDI Monitors, useful for PVW/PGM and live environment use.

  • Batteries and Accessories

    Description goes here